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テーマ 「外国語学習における動機づけの理論と実践」
前田 哲宏 先生(龍谷大学)
古賀 功 先生(龍谷大学)
:「Factors enhancing learner motivation in the classroom」
前田 哲宏(龍谷大学)
古賀 功(龍谷大学)
筑波大学大学院人文社会科学研究科博士課程修了。博士(言語学)。東海大学国際教育センター准教授を経て、現在は龍谷大学理工学部准教授。英語教育学を専門とし、主に動機づけ、会話意欲、有能感と不安、協働意識といった個人内要因の変動に関して研究している。著書には『日本人学習者に合った効果的英語教授法入門 EFL環境での英語習得の理論と実践』(明治図書、2015年共著)、『授業力アップのための英語教育学の基礎知識』(開拓者、2019年1章担当)と少数。
Two important notions discussed in research on individual difference variables are: (1) motivation required for learners to make and sustain great efforts to successfully learn English they do not often use in their daily life, and (2) willingness to communicate (WTC) that enables learners to seek opportunities to volitionally initiate communication in English they almost always feel incompetent in both inside and outside of the classroom. In a practical context, we as teachers are highly expected to stimulate these two variables so that we can produce autonomous language learners and users. The question raised is “Can we really motivate students in class?” For instance, it is said that motivation (e.g., intrinsic and integrative motivation) and WTC are considered trait variables that are relatively rigid and fixed. If this is the case, we have only limited control over such variables. However, we should optimistically believe that we have unlimited control over what we do in class! In this presentation, rather than examining the two variables from theoretical viewpoints, I will attempt to focus on the results of prior and my own studies that help to consider effective teaching techniques to enhance motivation and WTC in class, with special attention paid to the following aspects: teacher’s motivational strategies and behaviours, feedback types based on attribution theory, use of group/pair work, and teaching English in English.
事務局 大阪教育大学 橋本健一研究室内 kelesoffice@gmail.com