ホーム > お知らせ > 関西英語教育学会 第31回KELESセミナーご案内

関西英語教育学会 第31回KELESセミナーご案内



13:00-13:20  開会のあいさつ
13:00-14:20  [発表]Incorporating Climate Change and Other Global Issues into Language Classrooms: An updated Inconvenient Truth 2013 as instructed by Al Gore
Andrew Sowter 先生(関西学院大学)
14:40-16:00  [講演]定着を目指した英語授業の取り組みー論争を越えてー
金谷 憲 先生(元東京学芸大学)
16:20-17:20  フロア・講師との意見交換
17:20-17:30  閉会のことば


Andrew Sowter(関西学院大学・教授)

Living in Nara with his Japanese wife and 2 children, Andrew Sowter iscurrently an Assistant Professor (SIL) at Kwansei Gakuin University’s Language Center. Being passionate about protecting the earth for his children and future generations he recently attended a Climate Reality Leadership training seminar conducted by Al Gore in Chicago. It is his fervent desire to communicate this message and influence Japanese society to take part in the current global climate change discussions by influencing people to voice their concerns about our world, our climate and our children’s future!
【講演概要】The current academic testing system tends to produce students who can remember facts well, but when asked to analyse and comment on a complex or controversial topic, are often unable to provide their opinion and are left searching in their textbooks for an answer! To overcome this absence of understanding on the issue of climate change, among students, it is hoped that by providing an updated version of the presentation given by Nobel Peace Prize winner, Al Gore in his award winning movie, An Inconvenient Truth, teachers at all levels will be empowered and motivated to act as environmental ambassadors within their own sphere of influence, the classroom.

金谷 憲(元東京学芸大学・教授)

著書に、『英語授業改善のための処方箋』(2002、大修館書店)、『和訳先渡し授業の試み』(2004、三省堂)、『英語教育熱』(2008、研究 社)、『教科書だけで大学入試は突破できる』(2009,大修館)、『高校英語授業を変える!』(2011、アルク)、『高校英語教科書を2度使う!』 (2012. アルク)など。

KELES 第31回セミナーについて


KELES 第31回セミナーご案内 (PDF)


第31回KELESセミナー参加登録/キャンセル フォーム


事務局 神戸大学 横川博一研究室 yokokawa@kobe-u.ac.jp
